Installing Asterisk pbx in Rocky Linux

What is asterisk

Asterisk is an open source software that provides us with the functions of an IP telephone exchange.

Asterisk is very versatile in the world of IP telephony, providing us with functions of VoIP Gateways, conference servers and other applications that come in the software. Asterisk is more than a simple PBX, since it can interact with different operating systems, different types of databases, multiple applications that connect to the PBX server.

Initially created in the GNU/Linux operating system, it can currently run on many operating systems, but the best performance is achieved on Linux-based operating systems.

Created by Mark Spencer, the project currently belongs to Sangoma, since it bought the Asterisk project a while ago.


Installing Asterisk on Rocky Linux 9.3

Update of the Rocky Linux libraries, this manual has been developed with a minimal installation of the Rocky Linux operating system.

dnf -y update
We are going to install  epel repositories.
 dnf install -y epel-release

dnf -y install wget

Setup the server’s name

hostnamectl set-hostname


We install the Rocky Linux tools

dnf config-manager –set-enabled crb